Work With Me | Becoming YourSelf
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Image by Dmytro Tolokonov

Do you feel you are just going through the motions of life, but not really living it? You have worked to accomplish your goals but still feel there is something missing. You can feel the strength and wisdom within you, but can't access it.  You so badly want to experience deep love for yourself, pleasure with your partner, and bliss in your life.

I have a solution!

Your body is the answer!

I can help guide you back to your inner truth, claim your power, fall deeper in love with yourself, and feel more alive!

We all carry trauma, whether we know it or not. Trauma lives inside your body, and it’s waiting for you to let it out. You can let the trauma flow through you with somatic healing techniques. You are then able to integrate past hurts and fully heal, allowing you to move into truly thriving in life.


I do this by guiding you through body-mind practices that create inner safety, providing you with safe space holding for your system to unwind, and teaching you breathwork and guided practices to deepen self-love and intimacy.

What to Expect

With each session, I use somatic healing techniques to coach you through my process of see, free, be. 

Image by Илья Мельниченко


Dream, imagine and visualize your truest desires in life. Begin with consciousness.

Image by Daphné Richard


Release and let go of past hurts and limiting beliefs that are no longer needed. Grow with clarity.

Image by Tj Holowaychuk


Become your most authentic self and step into your new reality. Blossom and create.

Are you finally ready to live your life and truly thrive alive?

The path to becoming an empowered woman, to becoming your self, is not linear.  But, it doesn't have to take a lifetime to thrive either.

Through the use of somatic tools, I will guide you to create inner safety for yourself, empower yourself emotionally, connect with your own inner source of knowledge and power, learn what your boundaries are and how to communicate them, love your body and yourself inside and out, heal past hurts and traumas, and claim your right to your pleasure and desires in life.

Image by Dmytro Tolokonov
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